“The Red and the Black” with life to see the appearance of love

Julien is smart, beautiful, talented, ambitious, brave and honest. He was born into a lower class family without a mother, the son of a carpenter. Julien grew up lacking the warmth of a family and was often beaten by his father and two older brothers. He was very fond of reading, studious, Latin is very good, so had the opportunity to come to the mayor’s home as a tutor, and the mayor’s beautiful wife de Rilla had a love affair, after the revelation, Julien left Villiers, went to the seminary of Bethancon……

Later, after the introduction of Pila, the dean of the seminary, Julien came to the home of the Marquis of great nobility as a secretary. Because Julien was clever, he was quickly appreciated by the Marquis and awarded Julien the Cross Medal, allowing Julien to enter the upper class of Paris. Under the influence of the aristocratic family, soon even and mastered the social etiquette of the upper class in Paris, plus their own unique personality, soon become a charming and charming young man.

Marquis’s daughter love Martel beautiful proud, rebellious, brave and fickle. Unwilling to live a boring, routine life, feel that falling in love with a completely different class of people, is a risky and romantic thing. Coupled with Julien’s smart and capable, handsome, love Mattel began to take the initiative to pursue Julien. But Julien was not interested in love Mattel at first. However, because of his noble status and beautiful appearance, Julien gradually aroused his desire to conquer and passion. In the article, Julien was deeply in love with the daughter of the marquis. Miss Malte was very fickle, and she was hot and cold to Julien, which made Julien feel very frustrated and painful. In order to really chase the marquis’s daughter, he tried his best, and finally made the Marquis’s daughter back into his arms.

Miss Love Martel was pregnant with Julien’s child, which actually let Julien feel very painful, he from the heart to the Marquis as his benefactor, and do not want to hurt the Marquis. Although Julien is eager to rise to the top, eager to be able to do something great, but he does not want to use love, the use of women, without breaking means to achieve the goal. This is the valuable point of Julien, which doomed him to be hated by people.

Love Miss Martel’s pregnancy, Julien even want to die to apologize, to repay the Marquis’s kindness, feel that without the Marquis, there is no now. After a painful wandering, thinking about the future of his children, Yu Lian suddenly had a desire to live, he did not want the child to suffer misfortune in the future, like he led a poor life….. The marquis loves his daughter very much, in order to preserve her reputation and happiness, the marquis step by step to arrange the marriage of Julien and her daughter, in addition to give Julien and her daughter a large amount of property, more successful let Julien become an officer, and when the lieutenant. Lian revel in happiness, looking forward to a better future, see happiness is coming, the wedding is coming…….

The marquis suddenly changed his mind, did not see his daughter, and opposed the marriage. Originally, the Marquis received a letter from the former lover of the company, the mayor’s wife, the letter inside not only revealed the relationship between Mrs. Rila and the company before, but also the company described as a fresh and uncorrupt, dressed as a beast.

Julien was furious and hurried to Villayel, bought a pistol, loaded the bullets, rushed to the church where Madame De La was praying, like Madame de la shot, Madame de La immediately fell, Julien was also arrested in prison……

Impulse is the devil, Julien gradually calm down in the prison, began to feel regret, even thinking of the good and warm days when he was a tutor in Villayel, he found that he was actually Madame Ariella, and that is the happiest and good time for him. Julien’s remorse was beyond measure, but he was not afraid to die. He felt he deserved his punishment and he did not defend himself.

Madame Rilla was not dead, she was only wounded, and after her injury improved, she paid the prison people to secretly visit Julien. She told Julien that the letter was not her original intention. Because she felt that her love affair with Julien was immoral, Mrs. Rella suffered a lot and often went to the church to confess. Julien was jealous, and the black priest drafted and forced Mrs. Rella to write the letter.

Julien and Madame Rilla cleared up their misunderstanding and forgave each other. In even think of the days when I was a tutor is how happy ah, but at that time, my heart too much ambition and distractions, do not know to cherish. In prison, they had another happy and unforgettable time. This made Miss Ethel jealous.

Finally, one fine day, he was guillotined at the age of 23. Aimartel bought Julien’s head and buried him. Lady Della died three days later……, kissing her son

I like the story and I like the character very much. The characterization of this character is very hierarchical, and the contradictions and struggles on the thought can be vividly described. He liked reading, admired Napoleon, and was ambitious and eager to get ahead. On the other hand, he is brave, honest and kind. At the beginning, when facing the mayor’s wife Rilla, how to shake the hand of Mrs. Rilla for the first time, how to kiss the hand of Madame Della for the first time, it is like completing the challenge, just to prove that he is a brave person. When I first went on a date with Miss Aramtel, it was not out of love, but just to prove that I was not a coward, that I was brave and worthy of a noble lady…… But Julien was not a mercenary, not a man who sold himself in order to join the high society. He and Mrs. Rilla’s love affair exposed, Mrs. Rilla worried about the livelihood of even, want to give even a sum of money, was refused by even without hesitation. He said he didn’t want the relationship to end up tainted by money and thought it would be disgusting to think about it. When he was caught, he said to Miss Ethel, My reason for killing is not shameful, I am not after money or fame.

In fact, Miss Aimartel has many similarities with Julien. The heroic romanticism is only different from the object of Julien’s worship. She was young and beautiful, brave and fickle, and unwilling to be tied down. She felt deeply in love with Julien and was touched by her audacity to fall in love with a man in a completely different position from herself. However, when Yu Lian fell at her feet, she turned her nose up at Lian and felt ashamed for her indulgence. When the company snubbed her, she was upset… Love and kill Julien like this.

Lady Rilla, she doesn’t know what love is. She thinks all the men in the world are the same. They only care about money and power. She cared for and loved her children with all her heart. It was not until she met Julien that she deeply realized the happiness and pain of love. Madame De La Lady’s gentle maturity, noble elegance, let Julien feel incomparable warmth and sweet.

What would the rest of the days have been like without that letter? When will Julien think of Mrs. Rilla and realize that Mrs. Rilla is the one he loves the most? He, too, had thought himself madly in love with Miss Martel. So, what is love in the end, we sometimes have difficulty in identifying ourselves. In Julien’s last days, he thought that if God gave him more than five years, let him cherish and love Mrs. Rila…… However, if he had really had these 5 years, maybe it is a different scene, he is still living in his own desire, and love, secular, fame and wealth struggle. Instead of real happiness and love.

There is no standard answer to what love is. Maybe everyone has a different answer. We are always ignorant and confused. We always expect something better or more perfect. Or maybe love comes at the wrong time, the wrong place, so we choose to escape. Or, we have so much desire in our hearts that we have no time to feel love.

Love, sometimes, maybe not what we think it is.

Julien finally use life to see the appearance of love.

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