On Dream and Love — The Pillars of the Earth

Tom the stonemason’s dream was to build a cathedral. Although he did not work as a craftsman, he could scale, count, design, draw drawings, read drawings, and know everything about the church.

But how do you build a cathedral?

First, you need to go to a monastery, and there needs to be a bishop or abbot who is devout, persevering and courageous.

Tom began his long march, taking his family from William’s castle to Winchester, from Winchester to Salisbury, walking, walking, walking, from the family of four to the death of his wife in childbirth, from the grief of losing his beloved wife to meeting Alan and finding love again.

When you finally get to the monastery, roll up your sleeves and start building!

Of course not. Why not? Because of poverty.

That Kingsbridge Abbey is poor! It was hard to get enough to eat, and they could build a church without starving to death. What’s more, they had an old church that could survive with simple repairs.

So what? I finally see hope, but I don’t need a church. Give up? Slink off to find the next monastery?

Of course, that was impossible. Tom was poor and hungry, but not stupid! The family was already starving, and of course they couldn’t give up Kingsbridge as a lifeline. Besides, winter is coming, and if you leave, you’ll starve to death or freeze into a pile of popsicles.

What to do?

Then burn it up!

So on a dark and windy night, Jack waved a big fire (it was actually a candle) and burned down the old church.

As a result, Tom’s family left to build the cathedral, of course, all the wages do not give, support to play iOU, as long as the management of food and housing is OK. And Kingsbridge has no money.

Of course, stone and wood are necessary for building cathedrals. Where did this come from?

I don’t know if Philip is handsome, but intelligence is undeniable. In a battle of wits with the King, Waleran, and William, he won the Shiring quarry and the forest for free.

Now we had stone and wood, but the monastery was poor and had no money! Nothing can be done without money. The road may be tortuous, but there is always a way. So the vice president actively contacted the palace, and finally won the trading qualification for Kingsbridge. The weekly market brought merchants, wealth, long-lost vitality, and more people and prosperity to the run-down Kingsbridge.

Fourth, in medieval Europe, you can open the market without some private arms, after all, people are not ruthless, not stable! You’re not a bully, and that doesn’t guarantee you won’t be liked.

As a result, William, a knight who was forced to retire at an early age, made his debut, and Kingsbridge had its own private armed force, the Kingsbridge Guards, in which William, a knight who had been forced to retire, acted as Kingsbridge’s “fire captain”.

When all four are in place, construction of the cathedral begins smoothly under the leadership of Tom, who loves architecture. But Tom died in an accident soon after, and his son Alfred continued to build. After Alfred failed, his stepson Jack, who was very talented at building, returned from his travels.

Two generations and more than twenty years later, the cathedral was finally built.

Dream is the theme that impressed me most in this great book:

In the entrepreneurial wave of the 21st century, the word dream is particularly hot, everyone is Shouting the slogan of the dream.

The word “dream” is of course not only applicable to the 21st century, it was also popular in medieval Europe.

Tom the builder’s dream was to spend decades building a cathedral like no other.

Countless facts tell us that dreams are not enough, you have to combine with reality, Tom did this very well.

Building cathedrals was his dream, and construction was his profession. When he built cathedrals, he worked again, had food, drink, shelter, and a little money. The phrase “dream and reality combine” is perfectly embodied in Tom.

Tom’s dream is to build a cathedral, he walked here and there, with his wife and children, when the pig is lost, very angry, angry, but he still believes that he will soon find a monastery, to build a cathedral, do it for ten or twenty years.

As he walked on and on, changing his tools into dry food and carrots, he was very hungry and very cold, but Night Dye believed that he would find a job soon, and that he would have food and drink and survive the winter.

When Agnes, his beloved wife, gave birth and died, and as a father he had to abandon his son, he doubted himself. He thought of all the things he had gone through along the way. He was helpless, he cried, but it seemed as if he could do nothing.

And then to Kingsbridge Abbey, finally, finally to the place where the dream came true.

Excited, cheering, and finally from their dreams to do a little, although a little, but still difficult.

For more than a decade, the cathedral has been in and out of repair, but it has continued.

When the cathedral theme was finished, perhaps in a few years, William’s second fire came.

Many people died. Unfortunately, the great builder died in the middle of the road.

I think when Tom went to see God, he was honest and happy, not starving to death, not being robbed and killed by wild animals, he died protecting his life’s dream, his work.

Tom died, but the church dream lived on, thinking that he had raised a talented adopted son, Jack.

A moment, and more than ten years.

Pulice was old, William had trouble wearing armor, the King was dead, Waleran could hardly walk… .

But the cathedral was finally built. Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Tom’s dream has finally come true, although more than ten years late, but finally arrived.

The dream is really a terrible thing, it can motivate you to keep moving forward, keep fighting for it, let you can keep full of blood, keep fighting.

Alena’s dream is to reclaim Shiringtown from William’s family, and, oh, yes, to kill William.

The brother and sister had nothing and were weak, and though the road was winding, it seemed to Aliena that there was hope.

Alena wanted Charles to become a knight, build up his war, and get the emperor to give him Shiring.

But to be a knight you have to keep a lot of men, you have to have horses, you have to have swords, it costs a lot of money, and they seem to be running out of money.

In medieval Europe, chivalry was a costly profession. A knight must have their own team, with the team, not to pay their own brother! In a word, if you fight for me, I will pay all your expenses. If you fight for me, I will pay for all your expenses.

So, at that time when knights are generally Tuhao, rich second generation and so on, no money you become a knight, that is not a joke?

But that’s the magic of dreams. They can pull you out of a desperate situation and force you to find your own way.

Thus, under the magic function of dreams, Aliena became a good wool merchant (during a very difficult time, but I don’t know the details).

With his financial backing, Charles’s path to knighthood went smoothly, albeit with a few hiccups here and there (such as a brush with William).

All was promising, and the dream of recovering Shiring was getting closer and closer, until William set the second fire.

This torch burned Aliena bankrupt, and she had nothing.

People are very realistic, medieval Europe is the same, no money, who still mix with you, accompany you on the mountain, under the fire, accidentally life is gone, even the basic salary is not guaranteed, certainly not.

Without Alena’s financial support, Charles’s knighthood had come to an end.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jingwei senior put forward: “curve to save the country” line. We can see the meaning of this phrase from the literal meaning: a different way to achieve a goal.

Obviously, Aliena and Charlie knew the same thing. So Charles formed and became captain of the Kingsbridge Guards.

Later, due to a drought and William’s taxation, bandits were on the rise. But they were all farmers, so they were not very effective and lacked good generals.

So Charles succeeded in becoming the leader of the peasant revolutionaries (robbers).

Later, the twists and turns, even break the town of Xialing, recapture the territory.

The road of “saving the nation by curves”, no, the road of “recovering territory by curves” has been successfully completed.

Aliena, Charlie’s brother and sister have finally fulfilled their dream and fulfilled their promise to their father.

Dream is tortuous, wish to have a dream, stick to it, will eventually reach you want to tomorrow.

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