I learned from The Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy can be an American science fiction adventure book or a self-growth book for the soul. The book tells us the nine enlightenment of life, which I think is the summary of the author’s life experience. After reading let me have a collection of their original scattered cognition, but also to provide me with some guidance for life.

The first enlightenment: Be highly alert to the mysteries of life.

To perceive that there are mysterious events in our lives that can change our lives is to feel that there is something at work behind our lives. On the first day I read this book, when I walked to the gate of Shanghai He Primary School, I suddenly had a craving for Hangzhou Xiao long Bao, which I had not eaten for a long time. The next day the child did not bother to ride to school, but chose to walk. I just passed by the shop. After eating Xiao long Bao, the boss brought me three chicken cakes from my hometown. He is from Zhuji, Zhejiang Province, is a fellow townsmen, two husband and a twenty-year-old son runs this shop, usually say little, I used to eat here every day and never give me extra gifts. The chicken cake is the kind I used to have when I was a kid. It’s very sweet and delicious. I embraced their homeness. It felt like the day before, the couple had told me with their minds that the chicken cake was waiting for me. In life also often appear such a feeling, such as I want something these days, this thing appears. This feeling is called “getting what you want”.

The second enlightenment: review the history of mankind and reshape a new world view.

Looking at a thousand years of human history as a whole, we have to wake up from the obsession with our own pursuits. Rethinking the question we asked: What dominates life on this planet? What are we really here for? This is a bit of the Chinese culture of “taking history as a mirror”. The original words are that learning from history can guide people’s current life, but the book is to summarize the changes and development of people’s world view in the last millennium, so as to find our future direction.

The third realization: The universe is a vast system of energy. Everything has energy.

If human beings perceive the existence of such “ability”, they must first strengthen the ability to feel “beauty”. Notice the beauty of the object, and then extend from the beauty of the object. What happened in Vincennes House tells us that “being mindful” can make plants grow better. I think it has some practical significance. How can we observe the existence of “can”? Eat plenty of vegetables (some Buddhist ideas), and of course the beauty of the environment helps, especially in virgin forests that are off the beaten track. But I’ve tried it myself in the park and at home, and I can’t see it. Readers should not take it too seriously. Because whether you can see it or not it’s there, no more, no less.

The fourth realization: people are taking “energy” from each other.

Whether it is between countries or between family members, it is the shortage and competition of “can”. Humans tend to think that their “abilities” are insufficient and need to get from others. In fact, there are many ways to obtain energy. Food is the first way to obtain energy. We must appreciate food, eat it well, savor it, and be grateful.

Fifth enlightenment: We can obtain this “can” from a higher source.

The universe can supply all the energy we need, but we must open ourselves to it.

There was a day in my senior year when I was in a bad mood because of my unsatisfactory results in the monthly examination. I skipped class and ran to the west mountain next to the school. At that time, it was in the afternoon, and there was no one on the mountain. I ran halfway up the mountain and took a road that no one took at ordinary times. I let myself go and shouted at the sky a few times. It feels like the whole forest is mine, all with me, giving me energy. It was just as wonderful as John’s experience on the ridge in the book, and the universe gave me energy, and I went back to school refreshed. So to this day when I see a student in a bad mood, I would advise them to climb up and shout a few times to get better mood.

Sixth enlightenment: We need to abandon the “control play” we have repeatedly performed since childhood in order to find the true self.

Go back to your childhood, review your family life, and observe from a higher perspective the beliefs that your parents represent in life. Your mission in life is to integrate your parents’ beliefs and create a higher outlook on life.

There are four kinds of control plays: coercion, interrogation, indifference and begging for pity.

The way to stop the control play is, do not cooperate with him, he will not sing the “control play”, and then debunking his play. This is something I feel the need to use with my daughter, who plays the control game every day, Shouting at her brother to get attention. Competing with my brother for power in me.

The seventh enlightenment: recognize your true identity, understand your true self, and promote the evolution of your life.

These true selves unfold their own spiritual evolution through questions, intuition, and answers. Dive into the magic of evolution, which tells us that “intuition” is the answer. Our dreams during sleep, our thoughts and thoughts during the day, and even our daydreams can guide our lives. When I saw this, there was a science experiment on TV where a six-month-old child was afraid of snakes, and he had never been exposed to them. It means that our lives really don’t start in our mothers’ bellies, we have memories of life from ancient times to today. The most straightforward intuition is often the body tells us the most correct answer. And I am most afraid of snakes, even if the daughter bought a fake snake, clearly know it is false, but every time I see it is afraid, a encounter will be startled. The body’s memory of the snake’s terror remains strong.

There’s another thing I found out in the book. A few years ago, when I was washing clothes during the day, a piece of white paper suddenly appeared in my mind. I felt that there were words on it. When I looked forward carefully in my mind, it read the name of my husband’s grandfather. At the time, I didn’t understand why such images appeared in my mind in the middle of the day, why Grandpa’s name had to be written on a piece of white paper. Ten days later the husband got a phone call saying his grandfather had passed away. We ran back, and after the funeral, there was a memorial on the desk, the kind wrapped in white paper with his grandfather’s name on it. And that’s exactly what I saw in my mind. So I firmly believe that intuition and daydreaming do have their place, and it is important that we learn to compare the stories in our dreams with the experiences in our lives.

Eighth enlightenment: “Interpersonal ethics” How humans should treat each other in order to share more information.

For children:

The worst way to treat a child is to take the “energy” from them and suck them dry while correcting their behavior. This is especially useful for parents who need help with homework. It also made me reflect on my son’s education. I always feel that my son’s “ability” is not enough, and he always responds to me with cold, begging control plays. The assumption is that I always confronted him as a coercive, interrogator. Often find his shortcomings to criticize him, and occasionally a bit of coercion, this is sure to make his ability disappear. In these two weeks, I am slowly changing the way I treat him. When I am in an emergency, I will say “sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” to reduce my anger towards him. I hope my change will make him more energetic.

The book says that children should know the world through adults, learn to “treat people” truth, should not imitate each other among peers, fumbling. Be “one on one” and learn to tell your children the truth.

To the opposite sex:

Each person is equivalent to a C. Together, we feel that we can grow larger, but because we have no energy to absorb the outside world, we want to control each other, so that the control drama will be played again. We must rely on our own strength to fill the gap in the circle, and the object of establishing spiritual friendship must be the person who is willing to reveal his heart and true face completely.

To the passers-by of life:

Every time someone appears in life, he must bring us some kind of message. Pay attention when someone catches your eye or you get a sense of deja vu. Honest face will produce meaningful answers or guidance.

The ninth consciousness: the transformation of human culture as a whole.

One person can use his or her abilities to enhance another. When all members of a group understand how to interact in this way, the individual abilities of the members will harmonize with each other and form a common ability. As energy increases, the frequency of atomic vibration in the body also increases. Once it reaches a certain point, a group of people suddenly disappear. To cross the divide between this life and the other, to take the body to heaven.

He predicted that humans would automatically reduce their numbers and that most of them would live in forests or in very green cities. I remembered an idea I saw some time ago about a house in the future. The house is full of green plants, and each house is a place of integration of nature. I was thinking maybe one day we’ll be 150 percent green. Now it seems that my idea is consistent with his prediction. The necessities of life will all be automated, and everyone will know his duty under the guidance of intuition. The function of automation is to free up man’s time so that he can pursue his interests. We can use our knowledge to advise others and get money in return.

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