Jane Eyre: A duet of life’s pursuit

Nineteenth-century English literature was a star-studded affair, and Charlotte. Bronte is certainly one of the brightest. The short, plain-looking woman writer, who had not lived to the age of forty, deserved to become one of the world’s famous writers for her successful novel Jane Eyre. The novel Jane Eyre successfully portrays a strong woman, who pursues true love and dares to fight, and is a model for women. Jane Eyre’s pursuit of life consists of two basic “melodies”. First of all, she is the spiritual daughter of romantic literary tradition with her passion, fantasy and rebellious spirit. On the other hand, she seeks the highest realm beyond personal happiness. The desire for human freedom and happiness and the pursuit of higher spiritual realm are the two basic motives of the heroine. These two motivations are found in Jan. In love is the pursuit of love and dignity, and these two pursuits are at once opposite and in conflict with each other, and at once complementary and in dialogue with each other, Jane. Love is in this constant struggle to mature.

As the heroine of Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre is a woman like water. As the Tao Te Ching said, “The world is not soft on water, and the strong can not win.” There is nothing softer than water in the world, but it can penetrate the hardest things, dripping stone wear, even if the knife cut off water, water is still unmoved, water can be regarded as the most rigid thing. Jane Eyre is such a water-like woman, to soft to rigid, rigid and flexible. Jane Eyre’s water-like quality is appropriately reflected in her pursuit of love and dignity in life. In the work Jane Eyre, Charlotte. Through Jane Eyre’s five changes of living environment from Gateshead to Lowwood School to Thornfield Manor, during her departure from the manor and her return to Rochester, Bronte spoke with sincere language her interpretation of dignity, her views on love, and her resistance to society, making a seemingly weak heroine with a strong and resilient heart appear on the paper. Lifelike.

Jane Eyre portrayed by Charlotte Bronte has manifested the dignity of women incisively and vividly. Jane Eyre has a kind of pride on her body, which is incompatible with the surrounding environment. As a living being quite different from the lifeless social environment around Jane Eyre embodies the spirit of resistance. Jane Eyre self-reliance, the pursuit of human and spiritual freedom and equality, not at the mercy of fate, only for the interpretation of dignity. When Jane Eyre sojourned in Tzigaheide aunt’s home, when she realized that following the rules can not be respected but abuse, discrimination and abuse cruelty, she felt that they want to survive tenaciously, and get the same fair and equitable treatment as others, you must resist. So when her Cousins bullied her, she bravely replied, “If they don’t love me, to be honest, I don’t love them either.” When her aunt defended her children, Jane Eyre said, “You think you are a good man, but you are bad and heartless.” She fought vigorously to preserve her dignity. When Jane Eyre left Gateshead and came to Lowood School, in Lowood School, Jane was mentally and physically tortured. When she saw her friend Helen being unjustly punished, she was angry that Helen’s dignity had been trampled on. “If I were you, I’d hate her. I’d stand up to her. If she had hit me with that bundle of vines, I would have wrenched it from her hand and broken it right under her nose. If you are always kind and meek to those who are rude and unfair, the bad people will be bad all the way to the end. They never change. They just get worse. If we get hit for no reason, we ought to hit back hard: I’m sure we ought to — hard enough to teach the person who hit us not to do it again.” Jane always stood up against abuse and injustice, never accepting gratuitous punishment for her dignity. Jane stood up to injustice, showing her backbone and dignity.

In this novel with love as the theme, Jane Eyre’s pursuit and attitude towards love is the most touching. Jane Eyre and Rochester’s love is full of twists and turns, in the pursuit of love and happiness, Jane’s personality has been fully reflected. When Jane realizes her feelings for Rochester, she clearly understands that there is a gulf of rank between them. Rochester came from a good family, a gentleman of the upper class, while she herself came from a humble background. She was only a governess of the same social rank as a servant. But instead of being discouraged and ashamed of herself, she bravely admitted to Rochester her feelings for him. Then she exclaimed, “Do you think because I am poor and plain I have no feelings? I swear to you: if God had given me wealth and beauty, I would have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you now. God didn’t plan it that way. But our spirit is equal. Just as you and I pass through the grave and stand equal before God.” In Jane’s eyes, there is no high or low love, it has nothing to do with personal social status, wealth and appearance. Despite the secular view, she courageously pursues love, accepts to embrace Rochester’s fiery love, and accepts Rochester’s proposal of marriage. But when the mad woman in the attic appeared, he knew that while Rochester’s first wife was still alive, in order to maintain his dignity and the legal solemnity of marriage, she had resolutely left Thornfield Manor and Mr. Rochester in spite of Rochester’s repeated entreaties and requests. But when the mad woman burned everything, jump to death, and Rochester to save the mad woman and lost eyes and arms, Jane Eyre came back, even if the inheritance of his uncle’s legacy into the rich miss, even if Rochester bankrupt, blind, lame, Jane Eyre is still willing to spend a lifetime with him. The combination of Jane Eyre and Rochester fully reflects Jane Eyre’s pursuit of love and dignity. As a woman, Jane’s unique temperament of pursuing love for dignity, daring to love and hate, and daring to take responsibility, has inspired all people.

Jane Eyre’s pursuit of love and dignity guides us to think about a deeper view of love, and is a beacon of the pursuit of love in the new era. In a love relationship, the personality of both men and women should be independent and equal. “Equality” is the basis of forming a relationship, while “independence” is the key to maintain a relationship. “Equality” means that there is no high or low in love, a normal relationship will never exist “marry down” and “climb up”. You choose a man, you choose to be his subject, you choose to prostrate yourself at his feet, and his unique charm makes you willingly submit. Also when you are chosen, your bright spots attract him, your unique temperament wins him over, and you have the right to hold your head up “nobly”, the two of you are each other’s “Kings”. And “independent personality” means that you are still an independent individual in love, because of love and come together, no one is anyone’s “accessory”, having an independent personality implies that you will not lose yourself in love. In a man and woman of equal personality, independent love, no one is dependent on who, who can not be separated from who, “as if forever separated, but life dependent”, men and women support each other, mutual achievement, encourage each other, common progress, common development. This is a great love, a love worth singing about.

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