Summer Blues: Reading Madame Bovary

After reading “Madame Bovary”, it is the afternoon time, around four o ‘clock, the sun is shining outside the window, cicada called unbridled, my heart is very trance, sadness like a river flowing. All the worst things imaginable had come to an end, this woman named Emma, this vain woman, this poor woman, this selfish and cruel woman, this woman who had been so proud.

It took me more than a month to finish this book, with intermittent and stumbling, accompanied by my son, hard reading when I was sick, quiet reading at night, pretending to read in public places, taking me to the beach and gazing at the stars, all of which are due to my heart’s love. I really like Flaubert’s novels, which fill the blank of my reading in recent years. Especially when it comes to the classics. I still remember the last famous book I read was the spring I was studying in Beijing, Romain Rolland’s Johann Christophe. It took me a spring to read it, and since then, I have stayed away from famous books. Today, Madame Bovary has rekindled my passion.

Emma is the protagonist of the novel. She received education in childhood, loves fantasy, and comes from an ordinary background. She yearns for the life of the upper class and longs for love infinitely. Including a strong sense of vanity. Emma is beautiful, exquisite life, dress also pay attention to details, but her husband Shire how can not satisfy their imagination, so after going to Warbisar to attend a ball, she is more longing for aristocratic life, in order to better life, they moved home from Dowster to Yongwei town, Emma hopes that this change can better close to the dream, But it was the beginning of Emma’s ruin.

In Yongwei town Emma met intern Leon, Leon is young and energetic, but also very pure, Emma in contact with Leon, put some fantasy overlapping together, but she kept a noble in front of Leon, Leon also fell into the unrequited love, finally left the town of Yongwei. However, it was not until the appearance of another man, Rodorff, that Emma completely released herself. Rodorff was a plantation owner, with status and status, who could talk fast and know how to please women. More importantly, Rodorff satisfied all of Emma’s fantasies about love. Emma tasted the sweetness and beauty of life, from the initiative of Roddorf at the beginning to the initiative of Emma, Emma found an excuse to go out at dawn in the morning, with the dew on her shoes came to the manor of Roddorf for a tryst. She became more and more satisfied with the happiness of her lover, but also more and more hated her husband Shire, who loved Emma as always. At last, Emma wanted to abandon her family completely and elope with Rodorff, but her lover disappeared with an excuse.

Emma from the disillusionment of love back to life, she is very painful, live a luxurious life, Charles in order to please his wife, take her to Paris to see a play, accidentally met Leon, at this time Leon lived in the big city for a few years, faded the past of the green, and to Emma launched a love offensive, Emma half, two people soon like paint glue together, Emma found a variety of excuses to go to Paris and Leon date, borrow usurious cost, shire does not seem to know.

Emma is really a desperate woman for love. When reading, people will feel that this person is very close, but this person is far away; Sometimes I think this woman is really seductive, and sometimes I think this woman is terrible. What a bad luck for Shire! In order to love, Emma completely abandoned the family, ready to elope at any time, even her daughter also regardless, interested in home is only money, and Shire tried to meet Emma.

After all, life is plain, all the passion will eventually subside, Emma is living in such a fate, and the end of Rodorff, and the same with Leon, but the result is the worst, her whole life in the usury burden, the businessman Rene Emma close to a dead end, after all the efforts and attempts still desperate, Emma committed suicide by taking poison. Leaving the world she had never loved. Life is so hot, life is so cold.

I was inspired to read the original book because of the movie Madame Bovary, but I completely forgot the movie while reading the novel, only the name was similar. I am impressed by Flaubert’s writing style. There are a lot of descriptions in his narration, such as natural scenery, clothing and home furnishing, and the whole narration is expressed by the pictures of life. His lyrical style and poetic scenes leave a lot of blanks for readers’ imagination. As long as the contact with the text, the heart will become rich, can be in one go, can also stop and go, follow one’s will to read, emotion is always a line.

As a traditional classic, Madame Bovary is a typical character image. She comes from life, and in reading, people can’t help but bring real life into the text. Is there such a character in life, or whether a person will be like Madame Bovary in a certain situation or moment? Back to the level of human nature, everyone seems to have a side of Madame Bovary, extreme selfishness, extreme vanity, or for the emotional moth to the flame, desperate. In the bustling streets, I seem to see a lot of Madame Bovary’s figure, and even myself, like Madame Bovary’s enthusiasm, or indifference.

After reading I looked out of the window, eyes fixed in general, sadness surrounded me. The first is the fate of the character, the total destruction, and the people who care about him, the honest man Charles, the young innocent child, the writer can do nothing but watch Madame Bovary die; I myself is helpless, even think of life a lot of helpless moments.

Last night I found a few books on the rack of famous books, but how also can not watch, because there is no Flaubert’s narrative style, I seem sad again, more than a month to read the establishment of aesthetic experience how to continue, plain life because of reading the aesthetic focus can be highlighted, at a loss, I bought a full set of online “Flaubert collection”, looking forward to still on the road.

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