The Merchant of Venice

Venetian gentleman Bassanio falls in love with a rich young lady Portia, but the family is in poverty and dare not propose marriage. His good friend Antonio came to his aid, but he had no money in hand, so he borrowed three thousand dollars from Shylock, a wealthy Jew. Because Antonio had always looked down on usury, and never counted interest on moneylenders, and did not like Jews, even spit at Shylock, so Shylock had long been resentful of Antonio, and took the opportunity to sign a contract that “if you can’t repay the debt as scheduled, you will take a pound of flesh as punishment”.

Bassanio’s proposal is successful, but Antonio’s cargo ship capsizes and suffers a loss of debt. Shylock to death, regardless of the dissuasion, determined to implement the terms of the contract; Well versed in the law of Portia posing as a lawyer, attend the court deftly resolve this disaster; Old Sherlock paid a heavy price!

Act I

Bassanio wants to marry the beautiful rich lady Portia of Belmont, but the lack of financial resources dare not act, Antonio to help, but at this time all the property in the sea, no cash in hand, he found the Jewish rich Shylock, borrow three thousand pieces from him.

Shylock and Antonio had always been at odds, so Shylock took the opportunity to ask Antonio to sign a bill of ious. If the three months were not returned, Shylock would cut off a whole pound of white flesh from any part of Antonio’s body as punishment.

“I would rather be poor than have you sign such a contract for my sake.” “Bassanio stopped. But for the sake of his friend’s urgent need, the warm-hearted and righteous Antonio agreed.

The house of Portia was filled with suitors from all directions. Portia’s father had made a rule that the bearer should choose one of the three caskets. If he chose the casket with Portia’s picture on it, he would be the chosen husband. If you fail to choose, you should abide by three conventions: 1. You cannot inform the outside world of any information about the box you choose; 2, life will not propose to any woman; 3. Get out of here now… They all went away feeling hopeless.

Gratiano: A man who thinks too much loses the joy of life.

Gratiano: It is better to warm my stomach with wine than to chill my heart with torture.

Nerissa: He who eats too much is as sick as he who is hungry and does not eat. So the golden mean is the greatest happiness; Wealth urges white hair in life, clothes and vegetables are easy to eat.

Act II

Belmont, the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Aragon came to propose marriage. Three caskets were set before them. The first was only gold, and was inscribed: “Whoever chooses me shall have what all men desire.”

The second casket was silver, and was inscribed: “Whoever chooses me will receive his due.”

The third casket was made of heavy lead, and engraved with a warning as cold as lead: “He who chooses me must be prepared to sacrifice all that he has.”

The secular prince of Morocco chose the gold casket, and the arrogant Prince of Arakun chose the silver casket, but failed to choose either.

In Venice, Shylock’s servant became Bassanio’s sideman because Shylock was so stingy with people. “He has plenty of money, you have God’s grace.”

Shylock was about to go out, and he repeated to his daughter Jessica, “Keep an eye on the door. I am rather reluctant to go; Last night I dreamed of the money bag. I’m afraid it’s not a good omen. It makes my heart jump.” Which know daughter Jessica fell in love with Christian Lorenzo, has decided to escape from their own and Lorenzo elope.

Bassanio boarded the ship and set out for Belmont in search of the goddess Portia. Lorenzo took Jessica and ran away from Shylock to the harbor of their love.

Shylock knew that his daughter had run away, and was furious. “My money, my daughter! … And jewelry! Two precious stones, two precious stones… Find the girl! She carries precious stones with her, and money.”

Gratiano: For everything in the world, the pleasure of the moment is stronger than the pleasure of the moment.

Gold box paper roll: All that glitters is not gold, the old saying can often warn people; How many men have sold their lives, but to see my form, maggots occupy the gilded grave. If you were bold and wise, strong in arms and feet, and wise in sense, you would not get this reply: Good-bye, I advise you to cool your heart.

Silver casket roll: This silver has been burned seven times in the fire; The judgment that can never be wrong must be tried seven times. Some people lifelong pursuit to the phantom, had to find satisfaction in the phantom. I know that there are some hanging birds in the world that have a silvery exterior; Take whatever wife you like, you can’t get rid of this fool’s skin; Go, Sir, and lose no time!


When Bassanio arrived at Belmont, he stood in front of the three caskets, “The appearance is often quite different from the thing itself, and the world is easily deceived by the appearance of decoration. … Yet your simplicity has moved me more than your cunning words.” He chose the ugliest lead casket, but won the beauty’s heart. Portia gave Bassanio her ring, declaring herself and her fortune his own.

Antonio’s cargo ship was capsized by accident, his creditors were forced, and his family was wiped out. The agreement with Shylock, a Jew, had expired but could not be repaid. He wrote to Bassanio: “I wish I could come and see my brother before his death. Or step Yan wan strong feeling, can not bear to separate, then no longer strong, this letter can also.” It shows that Antonio is very kind to his friends.

When Bassanio received Antonio’s letter, he hurried back to Venice to rescue his friend. Good Portia did not sit idly by, she thought of a way to save people.

Act IV

In a court in Venice. Shylock asks to be cut. The Duke and others tried to dissuade him, but Shylock firmly refused. “The first offence,” counselled Bassanio, “should not ensue hatred.” Sherlock: “What! Are you willing to be bitten twice by a poisonous snake?” Seeing that Shylock had made up his mind, Antonio was ready to die.

The duke sent Dr. Bellario for his trial case, the doctor is just Portia’s cousin, Portia ahead of time to inform his plan to letter, cousin authorized letter, dressed as a man to attend the court. Fooled everyone, including Bassanio, but no one recognized her.

Portia tried her best to persuade Shylock to accept three times Antonio’s debt, but Shylock would not let it go.

Then Portia declared, “You must cut this pound of flesh from his breast; The law allows you. The courts give you. … But if a drop of Christian blood is left behind when the flesh is cut off, your land and property, according to the laws of Venice, are confiscated.” “So get ready to cut the flesh. Not a drop of blood shall be shed, nor more or less than a pound shall be cut…”

“The law of Venice provides that when a foreigner attempts, directly or indirectly, to murder any citizen, half of his property shall go to the victim, and the other half shall go to the public Treasury.”

In the end, half of Shylock’s fortune was awarded to Antonio, the remainder was signed as a direct gift to his daughter and son-in-law upon his death, and Shylock was forced to convert to Christianity.

When the trial was over, Portia and her husband rushed back to Belmont.

Portia: A man who does the right thing gets the best reward.

Act V

Bassanio and others go to Belmont to see his wife Portia. The truth is revealed, and everyone is happy except old Shylock.

Portia: A good thing shines like this candle in this evil world.

Nerissa: When the moon is bright, we can’t see the light.

Portia: In this way the little glory is covered by the greater glory.


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