Childhood’s end by Arthur Clarke

Arthur Clarke was a great prophet of space. He is one of the “Big Three” of science fiction, alongside Asimov. Childhood’s end was voted the third most timeless classic of Locus, with its bold fantasies about aliens and biological evolution.

Aliens suddenly descended on Earth and took over human society with overwhelming technology. War, hunger, disease and all other disasters have been eliminated, and the world has become too quiet. Still, some are uneasy about the eerie, decadent calm. The content of this paper can be summarized as follows:

I. The Earth and the Supermaster

The major cities on the earth appeared at the same time a huge alien spaceship, the whole world is in a shock, what is more puzzling is that the big spaceship through the radio from alien life in English to make instructions, claiming to be called Karel Lin aliens asked the United Nations Secretary general Stogs to become the agent of alien management of the earth…

After a period of confusion, the alien management of the Earth has been the earth people actually acquiesce. United Nations Secretary General Stogs, for the benefit of mankind, adopted the attitude of cooperation with aliens. The alien Karelin is not the only alien to appear around Earth, but he seems to be the leader of the group. But the exact number and the origin of the aliens is currently a mystery to mankind.

Secretary General Stoggs is kidnapped by an extremist faction of anti-alien liberals, but escapes unharmed. In fact, both extremist forces and people who are not against aliens still want to know the real face of aliens. But unfortunately, even Stogs, who directly contacted the alien Karel Lin, never saw an alien face in his lifetime. Aliens are so secretive about their faces, is there something to hide? Would Stogs have taken a hasty route to the truth?

In the end, Stogs did not get the appearance information of the alien, but under the management of the alien, the earth began to change positively, and began to gradually eliminate war and poverty, and Karel said that after 50 years, 50 years will be the face to face communication with human.

Two, the Golden Age

Fifty years have passed, Stoggs has long since been buried, and people have grown accustomed to living above the aliens. But Karelin’s appearance caused quite a stir. Because the shape of Karelin – the shape of the religious legend of the devil in hell!

But despite this, humans, who have been under alien control for 50 years, do not have the same fear as they did 50 years ago. The reality was accepted in a relatively short period of time.

Aliens even take part in human activities, such as a gathering of various characters on Earth held by an alien named Resa Willek. His purpose was to borrow fantasy and supernatural books from party organizers.

On the other hand, human civilization has become unprecedented prosperity, social wealth is gradually abundant, the country has become only a postal code meaning of the name, and a violent crime gradually eliminated. But basic research has been dealt a major blow, as it has lost interest in the face of highly advanced alien technology. Humans became fascinated by descriptive subjects such as zoology, botany, and astronomy.

Mankind is gradually entering a golden age, but the golden age will be much shorter than all thought…

Third, the last generation

There were two characters at the party who took different paths.

The party host’s brother-in-law, Yann – Rhodes Vickers according to the party divination out of the constellation information “NGS549672”, decided to risk his life to lurk on the alien cargo ship, to see the true face of the alien home planet.

Jane, who suddenly cried out and fainted during the divination, married her lover George and gave birth to a son and a daughter. Moreover, it turns out that Jane or her children had extraordinary abilities, and it was this extraordinary ability that led to the accuracy of the divination.

The appearance of constellation information, also caused the attention of aliens. But the aliens seem to be about to smuggle Yang turned a blind eye, but began to monitor Jane’s every move.

As the aliens have promised not to continue spying on humans, the Janes are very upset to find out that they have been spied on, but the aliens’ explanation makes them more difficult to accept: “We have decided not to spy on humans, we will keep our word, and now we are not spying on you, but your children.”

In other words…

The end of humanity, or the end of humanity’s infancy as a form of intelligence.

Through reading this book, I have tried to answer the following three questions in the introduction:

1. Why do aliens not want to show up?

According to the supermaster, the majority of people in the world today are not educated to any degree, they are mesmerized by all kinds of prejudices and superstitions, and it will take decades to eradicate them. They know exactly what would happen if, at the world’s current level of development, they showed their true face to humanity. So they promised that fifty years from now, two generations from now, they would step off the ship, and humans would see them.

Fifty years later, the supermaster stepped forward into the sunlight, the boy on his left arm, the girl on his right, the two children playing with the wings of the Kareem. Yes, feathered wings, tiny horns, and a spiny tail. The scariest thing in the legend came alive, out of the unknown past. Now he stood smiling, as big as an old tree, the sun pouring on his huge body, and in his arms sat two trusted sons of man.

2. Why do they investigate occult science on Earth when they are technologically advanced?

In the first half of the 20th century, a handful of scientists began to study the existence of such things as exorcism, telepathy and prophetic vision on Earth. They had no idea that they were working with the key to Pandora’s Box, and that the energy they would release would be more dangerous than the atomic bomb. While physicists can only destroy the Earth, psychophysicists have the potential to spread chaos to other stars.

They were therefore sent to Earth as guardians of the Superintellect, and they hoped to learn something from the process in order to escape their own limitations, but they only glimpsed the vague outline of the truth.

3. What are their real goals?

As an instrument of superintelligence, sent to a world where the flower of civilization has just opened its command. They believe that superintelligence is growing and expanding its power and perception of the universe. Now, it may be a collection of races that long ago shed its physical bonds and became an intelligent consciousness, omnipresent. When it knows who is ready, it sends the supermaster here to drive its commands, in this case every child on Earth under the age of ten. As these children became part of the superintellect, the earth died with them. The childhood of mankind is coming to an end……

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