The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell

This week finished reading “The Conquest of Happiness”, this book into my ignorant brain injected a fresh spring water. The author Bertrand Russell in my heart is the embodiment of the broadness and wisdom, although in philosophy, mathematics, literature, history, social and other aspects of remarkable achievements, since the nineteenth century people around the world had a deep influence, but his language in this book is easy to understand, the words are simple and direct, no affectation state. Maybe that’s what I mean by “everyone style.” The author devoted his life to various causes conducive to human progress. He is a rare wise man with rich experience, broad mind and broad vision. He explained his understanding of happiness and the directions and ways to obtain happiness. It was a pleasure to roam in the mind of such an old man who had passed away.

Such a wise man can’t help but remind me of another man: Marcus Aurelius, a monarch in ancient Greece, who also put his views and thoughts on paper. Meditations had a great influence on me. There is nothing wrong with keeping quiet about something and leaving our inner mind undisturbed, for the thing itself has no nature that forces us to judge. I think, in this era of increasingly violent language and Internet violence, if most people learn the philosophy of our ancestors, it will reduce a lot of tragedy and disharmony.

I copied some of the ideas in The Conquest of Happiness and intercrossed or merged them with my original thoughts to record them so as to know and reflect on myself more deeply. Especially the latter, because recently I found that some aspects of myself quite a lot of problems, in need of dissection, debridement and drainage.

First: “The feeling of emptiness is caused by natural needs that are too easily satisfied. Man is an animal, like all other animals, suited to a fair struggle for existence, and if, by means of great wealth, all his desires were easily satisfied, the element of happiness would strive to bid him farewell.” This reminds me of the state before and after the college entrance examination. Prepare to sprint to the finish line without distractions. After crossing the finish line, you can sleep in, stay up late, surf the Internet, and fall in love. In short, all the things and feelings you have held in before can be poured out. But it doesn’t take long for the “masochistic tendencies” in human bones to protest, and we gradually find that the freedom we yearn for before is just like this, not as magnificent and expensive as we imagined. I can’t help thinking of Liu Yu’s saying, “The magic of freedom does not lie in how many beasts and floods it will bring, but in the fact that after these beasts and floods appear, you will find that it is nothing more than that.” It’s the right word to describe those moments. Although the three o ‘clock day is very boring, but have to admit that at that time we struggle pain and happiness. If a person suddenly wins the jackpot and turns from penniless to millionaire overnight, which seems to be everyone’s dream, the sudden happiness will bring the abundance of material life, and may also take away the enrichment of the hands to obtain happiness. The desires of being poor can be easily satisfied one by one, which can lead to two outcomes: either endless desire, greed without awakening, and physical and mental exhaustion in order to reach a higher and more difficult desire than the present; Or because happiness comes too suddenly, the interest and power of the pursuit of desire disappeared, lost the steering wheel of life and sensitivity to life. On the contrary, if a person experienced ninety-eight difficult, after the return of happiness medal, although medal will be like the former in the time waste to wear away the glory, but the medal of sweat and tears condensed into experience and memories can not erase, it is as a person’s most basic behavior: struggle for survival. Of course, during the physical and mental exercise, suffering is the price.

Second, “some people may have travelled many countries, always stay in the best hotels, eat exactly the same meals as they did at home, meet the same rich people they could meet locally, and talk about the same topics as they did at the dinner table at home. When they returned home, they felt a sense of relief that their expensive trip had come to a boring end. Others see special things wherever they go, get to know typical people, observe all that is of interest to history or society, eat the local food, learn the local customs and language, and go home for the winter laden with happy thoughts.” The most wasteful and pointless travel in the world is probably the former described by Mr. Russell, but there is nothing wrong with being rich and capricious, and how you travel is someone else’s freedom. Travel should be “travel heart”, the important thing is the distance of the heart rather than the pace of measurement. If you go to a strange place, without giving a little curiosity, do not discover a piece of eyes or heart has not set foot in a new continent, do not develop a new feeling, it seems a little bit worth the loss. Author Amelia said a humorous but philosophical passage: “After a long trip back, see so many clouds, still can not live this life. That’s because the road you walk through is not really growing on yourself. To go far away is not to use your same face to date Miss Dong, with the same posture to eat beef noodles, spirit and flesh to leave to worship Lingyin Temple. I go far away to let myself know that there are not only Miss Li but also Miss Dong in this world, that people can feed themselves without eating rice but with beef noodles, and that there are people who use other theories to understand the world besides atoms and cells.”

Third “I don’t think any peacock is jealous of any other peacock’s tail, because every peacock thinks his tail is the most beautiful in the world. For this reason the peacock is a peaceful bird. Imagine how unhappy a peacock’s life would be if it believed that complacency was bad.” Here’s a little tidbit. It is said that every male peacock attaches great importance to his mate, thinking that his peahen is the most beautiful, and he can get the most beautiful mate, that is to prove that he is the most beautiful. In fact, it is not difficult to find in our life that most people who are truly confident are mild and calm, and those with low self-esteem are more likely to be anxious and angry, because self-confidence will enable them not to overweigh others’ words and deeds, because they believe in themselves rather than trying to overwhelm others to prove themselves, insist on being themselves, and understand but not accept others’ opinions. So there’s this idea in psychology that you don’t want to find a partner who has low self-esteem. Inferiority and confidence is a pair of twin brothers, in the weakness of human nature is difficult to eradicate, but let which brother is human can decide. Why not choose a partner with low self-esteem? As you become more and more confident and capable, your strengths will set off the weaknesses of the other person. The other person will be able to convince the inner struggle is OK, but if he can’t convince the other person, he will inevitably use you as an excuse to hide his sorrow. An insecure person often can’t stand the excellence of his partner. So like two peacocks admire each other but treasure each other, you rare me, I also rare you, we together for each other rare themselves is how appropriate mode.

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