“The Interpretation of Dreams”:The subconscious mind tells us a lot

Freud explained the origin and meaning of dreams from the perspective of subconscious, which is instructive. However, this book is a little difficult to read, and I can understand half a day of the text of more than ten pages. Therefore, this book is also a very long one for me, especially when I read two or three books at the same time. I can learn to analyze my own dreams, and I have to admire Freud. All the authors who can write such books are sincere experts in the field. Although he insisted on his own opinion in the face of a variety of social refuting public opinions at that time, which itself proves that people are eager for truth, and the collective is always slow and resistant to new ideas. In particular, it rejects a claim that has never been made. Although predecessors have done some works on dreams, there is no systematic description like Freud’s. Whenever a theory is organized into a system, it proves that the author is a person with intentions.

I’ve only read this book once so far, and I definitely haven’t understood a lot of things, because of my own time and because the content of this book is not easy to understand. Maybe the next time I read this book will be quite a long time later. The repeated argument of this book is that in many cases sexual desire is interspersed in dreams, the nature of dreams is related to childhood memories, dreams are the fulfillment of desires, The subconscious activities of dreams are related to recent events, and the most important point is that dreams are disguised subconscious. What we dream does not directly tell us what we are thinking. We need to analyze and understand what dreams tell us or what the subconscious wants to express by looking beyond the surface of dreams and combining with recent events. Moreover, it is not a simple dream that predicts something. Many of the same things in dreams have different meanings, because they are the surface materials of dreams. They may take the same materials, but the subconscious will express different meanings.

I have to say that although after reading this book, I didn’t think I had a thorough understanding of all the contents of this book, it was enlightening and helpful for me to preliminarily interpret and recognize my dream, and also let me further understand the subconscious mind.

People are divided into spirit and body, and the spirit is often invisible, so it is relatively difficult to recognize. The subconscious mind is a part of the spirit, or it can be understood as the whole, it is the source of all consciousness, but not all of the subconscious mind can be transformed into consciousness, only a small part of it can become our conscious consciousness, and let us really feel. For example, what we really want to do when we say something, what we really want to do when we say something. In many cases, we don’t understand why we do it. Because in many cases, we speak and act without consideration, and we only think that we lack consideration consciously. We just don’t see what the subconscious is really doing.

Although the book does not mention the subconscious in much space, what it points out is the essence of the book, that is, the author believes that the starting point of a dream comes from the subconscious mind, no matter how the subconscious mind is aroused, the most important factor involved in a dream is the subconscious mind, which is the core of the dream and also the essence under the surface content of the dream. To see the subconscious mind, we can also see what the dream is saying. Maybe it’s not telling us anything, it’s just saying something.

Now that I’m talking about this book, I’ll simply combine my understanding of this book with a rough interpretation of my recent dream, as a case study for amusement.

I finally started a relationship after three years. To be honest, the relationship came at the right time, but not at the right time. My concept of love tells me that the basis of being together is to like each other, not to last forever, and I may learn to care more about the moment. In recent years, I will not be stable in one place. One thing that is bound to happen in the current relationship is long-distance relationship. My girlfriend has a first taste of love, and long-distance relationship is necessary in the first period. However, my sensibility tells me how to maintain it for a longer time. There is another background. We experienced some external resistance together, which was a little bloody. This so-called love of four, literary point said, unexpected, reasonable. I had a hunch. I just never thought about it.

Next, I analyzed the dream. First, I dreamed that student A was surrounded by A group of people, and this student A was the surrogate of my current girlfriend. Surrounded by a lot of people means that many people were chasing her and were beaten away, which means that she rejected me. I wanted to leave this place and live alone with her. The two people I met at the turn of the stairs were the other two people who were in love with each other. I wanted to hide it from them, because they knew that we were together, which would make me think that things would be troublesome. It is my girlfriend’s current pressure, because she has deep feelings for her BFF, and she does not have the courage to go with me, I want her to go with me, is a selfish idea, did not consider her feelings, did not see her pressure and difficulties, was discovered by the driver, should mean her family or something, will stop her, then jumped on the tractor, feeling that she has an important thing in her hand, I have told my girlfriend clearly that I will leave in September this year. As I mentioned in the previous articles, China is so big that I will travel everywhere. Tibet is my first stop, and I will never settle for the status quo. Maybe the relationship is over, because her love concept is not mature enough, this can not blame her, so I can not get down in the car, is to worry about whether I stay or not, which is also the expression of my nostalgia for this relationship.

Then I thought about it and discussed it with her, and it turns out I’m going to go. We’ll talk about it later. I am serious about my feelings, but the other person will never be my personal property. I respect and accept her decision after I leave. I just want to cherish the time we have together. I think feelings, whether affection, friendship, love is the need for a certain amount of experience, had a bumpy, to be more solid, if not to go, grateful to each other, especially like a sentence, at the beginning we do not understand each other, then we experienced some things together, learned to work together.

It is an interesting thing to know the subconscious mind, which allows us to see the thoughts and ideas that we can’t see at ordinary times. It silently protects us and guides us. I always believe that in many cases, the decisions we make at will are also the actions of our subconscious after deliberation. That’s what felt right to him at the time. What we have to learn is to respect everyone, and that’s what I’ve been learning.

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