I read Animal Farm: A Fairy Story

I bought Animal Farm: A Fairy Story a long time ago. I knew it was a good book. But I never read it.

Animal Farm: A Fairy Story was written by George. Orwell, George Orwell is a pseudonym, he was English, he wrote about basically two themes, poverty and politics, Animal Farm: A Fairy Story is one of the great political allegories of the 20th century. I am not very clear about his specific life, but after reading his Animal Farm: A Fairy Story in one breath, I was attracted by his writing techniques of animal metaphor, satirical political hypocrisy and his desire for democratic socialist system. He is not a politician, nor a philosopher, he just based on his own keen feelings and personal experience of the suffering of the people in the abyss of physical and mental feeling, he is like a wise man out of The Times, with his own heart to write and describe the naked reality, calling for freedom and equality. Not only human beings call for freedom and equality, in Orwell’s eyes, animals also call for freedom and equality, they also want to have their own world.

“Animal Farm: A Fairy Story” is roughly about the animals on the farm, led by pigs, to attack the farmer and his employees, so as to drive the farmer and other people out of the farmer and manage the animal farm by themselves. I read the whole book in one sitting. The more I read it, the more interesting it became. The more I read it, the more deeply I felt that the means of animal farm management perfectly depicted the operation means of unfair politics and the social reality of bullying the vulnerable groups. Now I will share some of my personal insights as follows.

Animals do not want to accept human management and slavery, rise up against, and finally take charge of their own homes, which should be an inspirational story. However, the story does not go according to your wishes. The pig, the smartest animal among them, takes on the responsibility of management and begins to discipline and motivate the animals with the “Seven Commandments”. As time goes by, the content of the “Seven Commandments” changes with The Times, and the conventional rules gradually tilt towards the interests of the pigs. Pigs became “noble pigs,” who not only did not work, but also enjoyed the most food, while the other animals not only did work, but also enjoyed only a little food, although the food was unfair, but enjoyed more freedom and more food than when humans managed them. As time went by, the pigs grew larger and larger, and the rank of the pigs became untouchable, leaving the dogs in charge of guard work. The pigs began to live in the farmer’s house, wear the farmer’s clothes, and began to trade freely with the surrounding human farmers. Other animals tried to work day and night according to the cake drawn by the pigs, with less and less free time and only food to fill their stomachs. However, at this moment, they dared not speak up, and anyone who resisted would be eaten by the dogs. Pigs completely ruled the farm, and began a long-term friendly trade cooperation with human farmers. Since then, humans and pigs do not violate each other and live in harmony. But in addition to pigs and dogs other animals are still doing their own work, day after day to complete the task they should complete, never rest day, “seven commandments” became their “seven commandments”, rules became their rules, the rules of the cake set pigs and human equality, animals made the most beautiful wedding clothes, complete the freedom and dream of pigs.

This is not the true portrayal of human society, the animal world of the jungle, has long reminded human survival of the fittest of life, human is just a relatively successful evolution of advanced animals. All the rules of the animal world are also suitable for human beings, but human beings are more thoughtful, more advanced, more understanding and better at making rules than animals. It can be seen that Orwell understood this truth long ago, but he could have been a police officer in peace, but he could not bear the torment of conscience and chose to resign from his public office, which reminds me of that sentence: Knowing the world without the world is the kindest mature. Not everything that means something to you will mean something to someone else. Meaning is only valuable to you.

Hierarchies and social stratification have always existed, and even when the tables are turned, it’s just a different set of people and a different way of playing. Why is the pig the leader on Animal Farm and not the other animals? Because pigs are intelligent and emotionally intelligent, they understand the voice of other animals, understand their innermost needs, and figure out how to guide and harness them to their advantage. In Maslow’s demand theory, self-worth realization is the highest level of individual demand. Why do dogs enjoy more food than other animals on Animal farm, like pigs? Because dogs are fierce and can protect the lives of pigs, they are very suitable bodyguards. They are of great value to pigs and indispensable. Naturally, the self-value of dogs is realized, and they do not need to work but can enjoy rich food. Your pedigree and your values will propel you higher up the ladder, making you driven by fewer people at the top of the pyramid.

After all, if dogs are not willing to serve pigs, and are complacent and complacent, they will do the same work as other animals, and do nothing. So even if you do make it to the top, but don’t make it to the higher echelons, you’re a self-righteous winner, and you may live comfortably, but you certainly don’t thrive.

Remember the Seven Commandments the pigs gave Animal Farm? To put it bluntly, rules. At first, all the animals on the farm acted in accordance with the Seven Commandments, for the first seven Commandments were exactly what they had hoped for after their victory over the farmer, the reward and the insurmountable consensus of the liberated serfs. But gradually, the pigs began to violate the provisions of the “Seven Commandments”, confusing black and white, confusing public information and justifying their case, and finally even modifying the content of the “Seven Commandments”. The simple animals were confused and confused, and the animals who understood were killed by dogs as soon as they had the motive to resist, while the rest of the animals chose to embrace the new rules and praise the great wisdom of the pig nobility. The makers of the rules have the supreme right to decide. The halo that countless people want to wear is just to have more right to decide and reduce the fate driven by others. As the wheel of history rolls forward, people’s pursuit remains unchanged. Rule makers like to shout a slogan, people also began to shout, Shouting slogans into the belief, the more shouted, the deeper the belief, no one cares whether the slogan is reasonable, to the back slogan becomes people’s belief, rules become people’s rules, rule makers are only responsible for supervision, who breaks the rules, get 30 big board, you dare to resist, people’s spit can drown you.

New animals breed and old ones die, and anyone who remembers fighting human ranchers at that time is left spinning in their memory. At the end, people and pigs socialize and drink. “Don’t ask what happened to the pig’s face. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man, but they could no longer tell which was which.” Food for thought.



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