Oliver Twist

The story tells a story about an orphan who was abused and starved in a correctional center when he was a child. After escaping, he was cheated into a thief’s den. The robber leader tried to cheat him into a thief’s den, but he did not lose his character and was saved by a kind person. The following is a detailed description of the plot of Oliver Twist.

Oliver’s mother died of illness shortly after he was born, and since there was no nurse in the penitentiary, the penitentiary decided to send him to the penitentiary ward, to be looked after by Mrs. Mann, who was a very false person, and thus began Oliver’s abusive childhood. Mrs. Mann recruited them only because each child would receive seven half-pence a month, And she thought she was the best at feeding her children, knowing how to keep them alive on a diet of thinly diluted gruel, when in reality they were often too pale to make it to adulthood. Whenever they came to inspect them, Mrs. Mann pretended to be very kind to them, and would take them to be groomed and fed, and see Mr. Bumble, the parish clerk, while in reality she often secretly threatened the children not to talk. When Oliver was nine years old, Bumble came to the correctional branch and took Oliver back to the facility.

The situation did not improve after Oliver returned to the correctional center. The correctional center was filled with people who appeared to be extremely gentlemen, but in fact stifled the minds of the poor with those rules and regulations, and reduced them to a soulless, numb walking dead who bowed their heads before hunger. Oliver’s nature is pure and good, and a group of children in the lottery, unfortunately draw to go to the rice bowl of the task of asking for a bowl of rice, the result is the natural punishment, the people think he is not satisfied, will be hanged, so issued a condition, as long as the one who accepts Oliver, who can get five pounds. During this period, there is a donkey to repair the chimney is worried about paying the rent, see this news, intend to Oliver down, originally everything as long as the local official pressed the handprint, Oliver will tragicly began to wash the chimney, but the local official saw Oliver’s eyes of fear, trembling, rejected the accept. The people at the asylum were of course more angry, and continued to advertise their acceptance, even offering Oliver to be sold as a sailor to captains who took pleasure in beating the heads of poor people, when Mr Sowerberry, the funeral manager, agreed to take Oliver, in a chat with Mr Bombel. Because Oliver had no father and mother, he was discriminated against by Noah from charity school (Noah was often discriminated against by others from charity school). When Noah’s language seriously hurt Oliver’s mother, Oliver fought with him and was forced to be punished and beaten by Mr. Sowerberry who could not obey his wife’s dogma. Oliver finally resisted and wanted to escape from this place. He almost starved to death on his way to London, where he could make a living. Thanks to the kindness of the road taxman and an old lady, he reached Barnet, where he met the prowler (unknown to Oliver). The prowler gave Oliver a good meal and took him to the place where the thieves were. Finally, one day, Fagin, the leader of the thieves, allowed him to go to work with the Dodgers. Oliver was full of joy, only to see the Dodgers steal Mr Brown low’s handkerchief while he was absorbed in his book. Oliver was terrified, he could not believe that he had fallen into a den of thieves. The frightened Oliver could only run aimlessly, trying to escape the predicament. Mr Brown Low, who was caught stealing, thought he was a thief and shouted loudly to catch the thief. A bunch of people joined him, and the Dodger and his accomplices stole away while many people also shouted to catch the thief. Oliver is caught, and although Mr Brown Low has refused to press charges, the judge orders Oliver to be sentenced to three months ‘hard Labour. Fortunately, the book seller witnesses the whole story of the theft and solves the crime. Oliver is taken to his home by Mr Brown low and taken good care of by Mrs Bedwin. However, the good time does not last long. Oliver is eager to show his gratitude to Mr Brown low and Mrs Bedwin, and actively proposes that he go after the book seller to return the book.

Oliver begs them to let him go, not to be misunderstood by Mr Brown low as a liar, but in vain, of course, he runs away like mad, is caught and is about to be punished, Nancy is regretful for having dragged the poor boy into the abyss, so he threatens to die not to hurt Oliver, Oliver is left behind, Fagin tries to assimilate Oliver. So in one of his burglaries, he had Sikes take Oliver with him and get into someone’s house to open the door for them. Realizing what he was about to do, Oliver entered the house and immediately tried to inform his master to ask for forgiveness. At that moment, he was shot by Giles, the steward, and left unconscious by Sikes. Oliver was so close to death that he managed to get up and knocked at the door of the house. His kind mistress, Mrs May Lie, and her adopted niece, Rose, took pity on him and sent for a doctor to take care of him. As soon as Oliver woke up, he expressed his gratitude and blessing to them and told them his story. And resolutely guard him, carried out a series of work to keep Oliver from being caught as a thief. Oliver asked them to take him to Mr Brown Low, hoping to ask for his understanding. But Mr Brown low had gone abroad, and Oliver was very disappointed. So they took Oliver on a holiday to the country, where he lived a very happy life. Oliver prays for her and Mrs. May Lie’s son, Harry, comes to visit her. Fortunately, Rose is recovering, and Harry, who can no longer bear her absence after this ordeal, expresses his love for Rose, which is so sincere and so cruel. Harry’s future fame decided that he could not marry a woman who was not his equal, it would be a stain of attack against him. Rose, deeply aware of this, rejected Harry painfully but firmly. Soon the good news brought Oliver joy. Mr Brown low came back.

Noah stole money from Mr. Sowerberry, the owner of the coffin shop, and ran away. He went to the gathering place of Fagin and other people, met Fagin and reached an agreement with Fagin, intending to carry out a great cause – rob the children’s money and run away.

At the same time, conspiracies emerge. Monks found the Bumble couple, (the old woman who had been entrusted by Oliver’s mother Agnes before her death told Mrs Bumble the secret before her death, Agnes gave her the ring, but she stole Agnes’s ring), Mrs Bumble calmly responded, the old woman told the secret and the ring to Monks, Monks threw it into the sea, Get rid of the physical evidence that identifies Oliver. Earlier, it was Monks who conspired with Fagin to bring Oliver back to the lair of thieves, in an attempt to assimilate Oliver, or never let Oliver leave. And the whole point of this conspiracy is to keep Oliver from inheriting his inheritance.

At this time, a key figure appeared before again, that is Nancy. Oliver is a bit of redemption for her conscience, she can not let go of the remaining conscience in her heart, so she eavesdrops on Monks and Fagin’s plot, after a struggle of thought, she confuses Sikes, after this news to Rose. After listening to Rose was moved, many times asked Nancy, let himself help her, and Nancy has been in the mire, unable to extricate themselves, she said to Nancy, he fell in love with Sikes, will not do something unfavorable to him, also can not leave him, Rose can not, only asked Nancy to be more careful. After some thought Rose told Mr Brown Low, Mrs May Lie and others the news. Mr Brown Low and others decided to see Nancy, hoping to redeem her and establish some circumstances. Nancy back mental trance, and Sikes bad attitude to her, let Fagin mistakenly think she has a new love, so he is going to seize the handle of Nancy to threaten her against Sikes, and will monitor the task of Nancy to Noah. One evening, when Nancy met Mr Brown Low and Miss Rose, Noah followed her and hid before their conversation, listening to her talk to them. It was mainly about the appearance of Fagin’s gathering place. It was worth mentioning that Mr Brown low was surprised at the appearance of Monks, who he knew was the son of his old friend Edward (Oliver’s father). Noah told the whole story to Fagin. Fagin was very angry and told the news to Sikes. Sikes was even more angry and stormed back to beat Nancy to death. Sikes ran away, and everything was in order. Eventually, Sikes was deeply affected by Nancy’s death during his capture. He tried to jump into the swamp with a rope to avoid capture, but was frightened by Nancy’s death and strangled by the rope. Mr Brown low uses the advantageous evidence in his hand to interrogate and threaten Monks. Out of friendship with his old friend, he promises not to betray Monks. Monks agrees to tell the truth — Oliver is his half brother, and he destroys Oliver’s birth proof ring in an attempt to prevent Oliver from inheritting his inheritance. Her mother destroyed her father’s will (the inheritance to Oliver’s mother and Oliver), and also revealed that Rose is Oliver’s mother’s sister and a series of facts. Fagin is also captured, and during the few nights in prison when he learns that he is going to be hanged, he feels his death slowly approaching. Time goes by without stopping, his mind keeps replaying the people he has killed, and in his madness, he is hanged irrevocably.

When all was said and done, Harry courted Rose, willing to give up who he was to save her from those slagging words. Rose was moved to accept, and they moved to the country, where Oliver also lived nearby, under the guidance of Mr. Brown Low, and grew up to be an upright, honest, and compassionate man like his father. Mr Brown low could not bear to be too cruel to Monks, and Monks was given half the property, but he soon squandered it, fell in with some thieves, and died in prison. And some of Fagin’s associates are dead in other countries.

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