Le voleur d’ombres

“I” is my shadow. Just like all fairy tales have a happy ending, I’m going to live a happy life. Although my mother went to heaven, and my ex-girlfriend Sophie and my brother Luc became heavenly partners, that beautiful girl, my Claire, made up for all my regrets when she wrote “I love you” with her kite. She is now my girlfriend and will be my wife.

“I” was happy, that Krel loved me, that was the deepest love buried in her childhood, that was what Krel’s shadow told me, “she” (Krel’s shadow) assured me that when love exists beyond time, then it will most likely become eternal.

“She” says to reassure “me”, not to love “me”.

There is no love between the shadows, even if the deepest love and hate entanglement of the body and soul, can not infect the shadow. Between the shadows, there is only the relationship between the representative and the represented. “I” is the representative and “she” is the represented.

In fact, every shadow has the ability to talk to the body, but every time the dialogue will consume a little energy. When the energy is exhausted, the shadow and the body will never be able to communicate, becoming completely dark shadows, appearing because of light and dying because of darkness. This is how shadows age.

Unfortunately, most of the shadows lack brains. When they were a baby, they kept talking to them. They wanted to tell them all the good blessings in the world and how to deal with setbacks in the future. Don’t forget, the shadow has the ability to see into the future, although there is no way to change, but can decide what kind of state of mind to arrive.

The shadows do not understand whether the baby understands the words, can not distinguish the baby’s cry is a response or too noisy, but with the passage of time, the shadows can be 100% sure that the dialogue, after the babies grow up, was forgotten, and lost energy of the shadow, can only helpless and distressed to accompany them to grow up, silently “share” their loneliness.

A very small part of us survives by being cautious, which eventually turns into a kind of instinctive silence — only when the owner notices we exist and initiates a conversation with us does we reveal itself. So that night, in the attic, under the soft moonlight, I said to “me” with the utmost certainty ——- “You are not my shadow!”

And then I came back to life.

When the shadow is reborn, “I” unconsciously becomes the representative of this region. It’s true that “I” is no longer my shadow in the strict sense. “I” could be Mark’s shadow, Ivan’s shadow, my mom and dad’s shadow. I am the representative, the representative of all the shadows that are filled with love and loneliness but have no voice.

This ability made me think that I was the shadow stealer, the hateful thief who overhears other people’s secrets, who peeks into other people’s futures. But in fact, “I” actively let other shadows attach to me, give “them” energy, tell me what “they” want to say, want to express emotions, and entrust me to do what “they” want to do but can’t do.

This is not an easy process, and no one has the obligation to solve all the troubles of others, to bear their pain. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve actually done a good job. Sometimes we help the shadow, and sometimes we help the master of the shadow.

For example, we let Mark’s shadow have a channel to vent himself, even if the master is stupid and ignorant, hate iron is not solid “he” after vent, still willing to accompany him through the future years.

For example, we helped Luc get a chance to go to medical school so that he could better understand what he loved and what he was suited to do. From now on, there will no longer be a baker who complains about reality, but a baker who is full of love and warmth. Life is such that we can only understand the happiness we can enjoy when we have experienced someone else’s life.

For example, Cleer is no longer the girl who is deaf and dumb and has no friends. After being “stolen” by me, she feels her own beauty and has a missing person in her heart since then. Love is always the best medicine to cure all.

“I” is a good regional representation for all the other shadows, but for me, “I” is not a good shadow, and I feel guilty and uneasy about it. As a nurse, my mother neglected my growth in order to better take care of patients. In the same way, “I” as a representative has been using my limited energy prudently in order to better help other shadows, ignoring my company and guidance.

There are so many shadows in need of help that “I” can’t spare a single ounce of energy to talk to me alone. The confusion after a school transfer, the helplessness after getting lost in the forest, the confusion of love, the attachment to the family, each of these experiences, for me, I felt that I had reached the limit of my ability to endure, and the loneliness and gloom in my heart was difficult to overcome. “I”, as the shadow, naturally knows all this, and also knows that if “I” appears at this moment, it will definitely help me get out of danger, get rid of gloom, and even more smoothly towards success in life.

However, “I” don’t want me to be A Nobita who relies on Doraemon, or an Aladdin who thinks he has a magic lamp, and who has difficulties being carried by someone and who wishes to be realized by wiping the lamp. In that way, I will only become a lonely and poor egg who talks with the shadow. A true hero in life is one who grows and matures in the process of helping and understanding others. He loves the people he loves and the work he loves. He can face the helplessness no matter how many times he meets in the world.

“I” accompany me, in another way.

It was this morning, this warm morning when the wind was blowing, that I picked up my Eagle kite again, and I met my favorite Kryl, and I bent my head and kissed her, and I held her gently, and listened to her shadow talk about the memories of the past.

I listened quietly, “I” also listened quietly, this is “I” have the last trace of energy, although “I” would like to take advantage of the light of the morning sun, told me how to “boil” down in the future, told me that I don’t have to worry about stealing someone else’s shadow. But in the end, I was willing to channel my energy into Krill’s shadow, let her speak, let me participate in the missing years of separation from the woman I loved. Time is too long, and the shadow fetters life, there will be a departure, this moment, is also the time.

Don’t be sad, the shadow’s love is so silent. But if you’re lucky enough to see this monologue, you might as well firmly say to your shadow, “Hey! Shadow, are you there?” “, you can hear a soft, low reply.

“I’m here.”

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