The story tells a story about an orphan who was abused and starved in a correctional center when he was a child. After escaping, he was cheated into a thief’s den. The robber leader...
I bought Animal Farm: A Fairy Story a long time ago. I knew it was a good book. But I never read it. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story was written by George. Orwell, George...
A school shooting leaves Zach without his older brother, Andy, forever. He becomes the “remaining child” in the family, which is plunged into great grief. The mother was Mired in grief for a long...
Friendship is a very important relationship between people. Everyone has friends, and we don’t get along with them in the same way. Some like glue, all day frequent communication; Others are plain, just stepping...
The little boy Nick in “Indian Camp” is a sensitive and thoughtful man, a man who keeps himself free from violence and evil. He has a strong sense of death in his youth. At...
Soon after his arrival at the circus, the young Jacob witnesses an orgy. The place for revelry is in the circus arena, where characters of all stripes show varying raptures over naked dancers. This...
How many days passed, how many rainy nights passed; Under the recently turned earth, poor old John. Michele lay alone. Manchior had cried aloud several times, but in less than a week Christophe heard...
I had always thought that writing was a “job” made out of nothing, and that almost all writers worked from memory. “Memory” is a very unreliable thing. Does it exist? How to prove it?...
The Cop and the Anthem is a short story by American writer O. Henry. The short story tells the story of a poor, homeless homeless Soapy, because of the winter want to go to...
Thick clouds spread out in the vast sky, and the basic hue of dark gray blocked the rays of the sun from 150 million kilometers away. If the distance between me and the sun...